Important Information

Your privacy is important to us, and we provide this Privacy Policy in order to inform you about the collection and use of your personal information. We may update this policy in the future, and we recommend that you check back regularly to stay informed of any changes.

By continuing to access and use our website, you are agreeing to the terms of this policy. Therefore, we advise you to read this policy carefully to ensure your complete understanding of those terms.

Our website is not meant for minors, and we do not knowingly collect any information or data from minors.

We take all reasonable precautions to ensure the security of the personal information we collect from visitors to our website.

This policy applies to the data collected on both desktop and mobile versions of the website, including applications authored by us that provide access to the website contents. It also applies to data collected through email correspondence.

Our website and applications may link out to third parties with their own privacy policies, for which we are not responsible. We advise you to read the privacy policy of any third party site whose link you follow from our website.

You may contact us by way of our contact form with any questions you may have regarding this policy.

Information we collect

Whether you are a member or a browser of our website determines the types of information that we collect as follows:

A. Members - If you become a member of the website by registering, you voluntarily provide such information as username, password and email address. We collect information about your preferences and interests and any other information your provide in your communications with us. Technical and usage data we collect from non-members is also collected from you (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - We collection technical information from you when you visit our website. This includes such information as your IP address, operating system, browser and version, time zone, and geographical location. We also collect information about your use of our website and services, such as your browsing habits.

Collection of information

The following describes the ways in which we collect your data:

Passive Collection - We use cookies and other technologies to automatically collect demographic information such as your geographic location, your browser type and other such data when you visit our website. This helps us to improve your experience of the website.

Active Collection - We obtain data about you when you register for website membership, when you interact with the website by posting comments or other materials, and when you communicate with us, either by email, feedback form or any other method.

How we use personal information

The personal information collected and processed by us is used for a variety of reasons, including the following:

- To provide the website and your ability to interact with the website's features

- To display relevant advertising and content tailored to your interests

- For research and analysis purposes to maintain and improve the website

- To diagnose and resolve any technical issues and ensure the smooth operation of the website

- To enable us to communicate with you in order to solve issues and to process your requests and feedback

- To comply with applicable law and cooperate with law enforcement authorities

Disclosure of your personal information

We may disclose your personal data to the parties and in the circumstances described below:

- Contractors and companies who provide services necessary to the operation of the website, and only for the provision of those services

- Any person or company who assumes ownership of all or the majority of the business assets, which may occur in the case of merger, sale, restructuring, bankruptcy, or other such proceeding

- Regulators, law enforcement or other such authorities to comply with the law or protect our rights or the rights of other parties

Your legal rights

You have rights regarding your personal information. Please contact us to review, update, correct, restrict, delete, request a copy or transfer, object to processing, or withdraw consent for its use.

Transfer of information to other countries

We may transfer, store, or process any personal data we collect from or about you to countries besides your own, or that may be outside the European Economic Area. Your provision of personal data or use of the website indicates your agreement to this.
